DA 226o Financial Analytics 3:1 (August 2022)

Course Instructor: : Shashi Jain, Management Studies

Course description: This four-credit course will be offered as an elective every Aug-Dec term. The course will introduce a number of financial analytics techniques. The course covers the fundamentals of financial time-series, performance models, and forecasting models. The participants will also learn how to evaluate the risk-reward trade-off with an introduction to the Modern Portfolio Theory.


Module 1: Introduction to financial analytics, business forecasting, and time-series data.

Module 2: Basic forecasting models, moving averages, exponential smoothing, and Holt-Winter’s forecasting model.

Module 3: How to identify if a time series is stationary or not and know how to make non-stationary data become stationary, introduction to ARIMA and its implementation.

Module 4: Modern portfolio theory and advanced topics on algorithmic trading.

Textbooks / References

  1. Analysis of Financial Time Series (Wiley Series in Probability and Statistics) Ruey Tsay
  2. Time series analysis and its applications. Shumway and Stoffer.
  3. Advances in financial machine learning. Marcos Lopez de Prado

Prerequisites: Basics of programming, probability, and statistics.


  • Assignments 30%
  • Module quizzes 30%
  • Final exam 40%.